
Why We Love Blood

I was reminiscing today about one of my favorite games of all time. Now, I know this is not an outlet for some of us direction-pad nerds, but hear me out.

The year was 1996, I believe. The platform was Playstation- not that crappy "de"volving POS they sell in stores now, but the old school gray box... Anyways, so here I was at my local Game Stop looking for the next latest and greatest when I see something that catches my eye.

I mean come on, there is a sword impaling a dragon... who wouldn't want this?! So I buy it, with my whole paycheck, unsure what to expect.

So here we are. Opening scene. Bandits. Fight about to happen. Fight is going to happen. Oh, them's fighting words! It's on!! It's my turn! Target... select attack... and then?

Mount Carotid erupted! I don't mean beads of blood implied to the left of the guy you just upper-cut, while some random face with an awkward smile zips to the front of the screen yelling "whoopie!" No, I mean the kind of red spray you could paint a barn with.

It was power. I was hooked. Moving characters here, slicing faces there, perhaps the occasional Salamander summon. And to each end was a character blasting a geyser load of blood into the air and back down to the ground (though I admit I would have rather seen Salamander victims resemble a peasant after a visit from Trogdor).

So what is it that drives this hunger? Why do we watch Spartacus? Why do we flock to Saw to see what new contraption Jigsaw has made for his next wave of victims? What is so addictive about mashing a sequence of keys to see your favorite icy warrior rip the head and spine out of a body?

I wish I had the answer. Maybe I do, but I'm not telling because the last time I did that they put that jacket on too tight and my walls weren't soft enough.



  1. The same reason we slow down and look when we pass a car accident.

  2. wow this game looks awesome, i never even heard of it! good post

  3. I don't particularly enjoy the gore stuff. Cool post though.

  4. I think we are joyfull, that these things are not hapening to us in that moment therefor we look closer to see how lucky we are.

  5. Like others have said, it's just human nature.

  6. Have to agree with Ed.. I guess it's some kind of curiosity inside us

  7. mortal kombat was revolutionary

  8. Sweet 90's! I remember when i played Mortal Kombat on automats with just two buttons and joystick, but it was still better than playing it on pc. Love this games.

  9. i remember those games! good times

  10. Too desensitized to this stuff these days. Remember being shocked as hell when Mortal Kombat came out. So violent!

  11. Lol, if you know the answer just share it! i too often enjoy tarantino-like scenes

  12. Man, I love the original MK so much. Those were the days.

  13. Thank you for all the comments- this was my first blog here, so glad to see other people found something interesting to reply to or comment on or discover.

  14. So, you like virtual blood... that's really impressive.
